CCC Stories

We can all feel it. The collective anxiety, the uncertainty, and the frustration. Buried among all of these things, are stories of people and organizations making sacrifices and sharing kindnesses to serve their community in this time of crisis.

While we do our best to practice ‘social distancing,’ there are health care clinicians, allied health professionals, first responders, and public health officials working to care for those who are ill and keep the rest of us safe. There are also people keeping store shelves stocked, delivering our groceries and packages, and helping us maintain some sense of normalcy. There are the neighbors and nonprofits helping take care of those who are suddenly out of work, need food, or access to childcare.

We’ve seen these stories pop up on social media or through word of mouth, but we wanted to create a space to share these stories of character, community, and commitment.  This is a chance to shine a light on the good, highlight kindness, and recognize how those among us are pulling together to help.

Please use the form linked below to share a story with us. VCHI will work to compile and curate your stories of teamwork, sacrifice, and caring so that we all have a place to look for something positive in the weeks and months to come.

In the meantime, here’s a few we found that made us smile.

Joining forces to feed the community

Sentara Northern Virginia Medical Center, along with 8 other members of the Prince William Chamber of Commerce helped to raise $40,000 to be shared equally between two food banks – Northern Virginia Family Service (SERVE Campus) and Action in the Community Through Service (ACTS).

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